Weekly Question 6/1/2022

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 Join us in a weekly discussion and engage with your Grace community.

This week's question:

We are on an adventure looking to see where God is at work in our life and our community.

• What and where do you see God at work?

• How is God calling you to join or participate in what God is doing?

• How are you responding to what God is calling you to do?

  • Kathy Bergeron
    June 8, 2022

    I see God working almost every day of my life. When I don’t see him working it is because I am not looking for it. I am not putting God first in my day.

    I see God working in my life. My husband has stage 4 cancer. He has been battling it for 6 years now. He is unable to do a lot of things around the house. First a flat tire on my lawn mower this year. A piece of our fence was blown down in the wind’s storms in April. My neighbor just mowed my lawn for me. And just this week another neighbor came over and fixed the fence. Never asked one of them to help me. Thank you, for the people that help others.

    Responding to God call is very hard question. I think right now in my life it is studying and praying every day. Thank God everyday for all my blessing.
    Working on my relationship with God.

  • Mary Frykman
    June 8, 2022

    God’s work can be seen in people filled with compassion. They set aside their needs or concerns and reach out with reassurance to others who are struggling
    and in a difficult situation.
    God calls me to be a part of a small group study which in turn inspires me to really read and react what the word is telling me in the bible.
    My response is to reach out and serve as God calls us to do and with a joyful heart.

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