Bible Study

A Discipleship Guide for Lutherans

Beginning in Lent 2022, I together with your Church Council, are encouraging our whole church to participate in a 5-week series called “A Discipleship Guide for Lutherans: Experiencing God.”  The biggest desire I have heard from you is that you miss each other as church friends.  A second desire is to connect with God in a fresh and deeper way.

To accomplish the first desire and to reconnect us to each other, I am URGING YOU to meet with at least one other person to spend time on each lesson each week together.  It’s a fact that we always learn more with another person or a group than alone.  Reach out and invite another person or your group to do it with you.

If you normally say “I am NOT a Bible study person,” I challenge you to give this study just a 5-week try.  In the end, if you still say, “I told you so,” at least you gave it a shot!  I think you may be surprised if you do it with an open mind and heart!

Call, check the box on the welcome form in worship or email the church to let us know of your willingness to pick up a study.  Copies will be available at Grace beginning on Sunday February 28 and can be picked up during the week.  The suggested cost for the 5-week study is $5.00 or if you want to help out anyone who cannot afford that cost, we welcome larger gifts!  DO NOT LEt the lack of money prevent you from participating!  Let’s all get on the same page and see what God has in store for us personally and as a church.

We can do this together Grace and it will make us stronger in the Lord!

Pastor Dahlseng

PS – I think you will like this simple, powerful and brief study – and if you do, we will be offering 7 more 5-week studies in this “Discipleship Guide for Lutherans.”