Thank you to all who came to be a part of the fun as we gather in our superhero huddle and begin our children’s activities exploring the adventures and powers of different superheros and how they compare to the power that God has… which is MUCH greater and MUCH cooler!
Lenten Service Times
5:30pm Meal
Today, Dan Jacobson (President of our church council), talked a bit about the process of hiring our next Associate Pastor.
Here's his address to the church from Sunday, February 22.
Dan Jacobson Address (Feb 22, 2015)
If you have questions or input, please feel free to contact Dan, Pastor Dahlseng or the office.
God's Peace!...
As you can imagine, this month's council meeting was consumed by the departure of Pastor Dustin. We covered Pastor's entire tenure and we're confident that he's left us in great shape as we move forward in our ministry. He and Patricia will be missed.
Nevertheless, we wish Pastor Dustin and Patricia the best as they transition...
You’re Invited!
Who: All of our Friday Fun Fest Families
What: Join us for pizza, games, prizes, and fun!
When: Friday, February 13th 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Right here at Grace
Why: Just to have some FUN!
The entire family is invited for dinner, games, and dessert! We even have door prizes just for coming to party with us!
Door Prizes include a Family...
The winter Worship Team schedule is up. If you are interested in helping with the Christmas Eve service please contact the office HERE and let us know! We need readers, ushers, greeters, and communion stewards. Pick the service you will attend and let us know you can help!
Winter Worship Team Schedule...
November CalendarOctober Newsletter
We are gearing up for the holidays. Are you ready? Check out this month's newsletter and calendar above so you don't miss anything. Have questions? E-mail us here!...