Grace's Annual Trunk or Treat Sunday, is held on the last Sunday of October from 4-5:45pm.
Each year we have a different theme and trunks are decorated accordingly. This event includes our partners from the community as well as our Preschool and families of Grace.
Register your trunk now... 815-633-8075 or contact
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS for Friday Fun Fest. If you like working with kids, we need you. Friday Fun Fest will be starting up on Friday, October 9. It will be a 4 week session. Specially looking for 2 volunteers to help with soap carving. If you would like to volunteer or have questions please contact...
Moms and Tots Group starting Wednesday, September 16 at 9:00 a.m. We will meet every other Wednesday. All moms and you children are invited to participate!...
September 13 we will be kicking off are 8-week Bible Study on imperfect & invaluable. If you would like to lead a Bible study group or join a Bible study group. Please contact the church office 815-633-8075. The study booklet are $1.00 each....
Sunday, September 13th, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Martin Park
Help us kick off the fall with: Field Day Games, Food, Music, Bouncy House, Ice Cream Truck and time with friends!
Invite your friends! All are welcome!
Life School #1030 happens during the 10:30 service on Sunday mornings. Children will begin in with their families and will be dismissed to Life School before the sermon. We will hear the Bible story, make crafts and play games. Once the sermon is finished, the children will join their families for the rest of the...