Week 2 September 18, 2016
READ: Isaiah 40:21-31
Why Follow?
The story of Jesus which is written in all four gospels begins early on with Jesus calling fishermen, tax collectors and rebels to drop what they are doing and follow him. Spiritual leaders throughout history in a variety of cultures act in this same way whether they are...
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26Aug 2016
Bible Study “Live Courageous & Strong” Week 7 August 28 – September 3
A Bible Verse about Strength
The Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation, Psalm 118:14.
A Story of Courage
In 2004 Victor Yushchenko stood for the presidency of the Ukraine. Vehemently opposed by the ruling party Yushchenko’s face was disfigured and he almost lost his life when he was mysteriously poisoned. This was...
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22Aug 2016
Bible Study “Live Courageous & Strong” Week 6 August 21-27
A Bible Verse about Strength
I can do all things through (Christ) who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.
A Story of Courage
Pauline is a shining example of courage and strong faith simply because God has never let her go and she clings to that fact. Life has never been easy for Pauline, in fact, there have been seasons...
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15Jul 2016
Bible Study “Live Courageous & Strong” Week 1 July 17-23
The call to live a courageous and strong Christian life is a challenge today. Our multitudeof choices and daily distractions grows out of our love of pleasure and new experiences. Our feet take us to the newest restaurant in town, put our children in specialized sports filling their summer days and our weekends throughout the...
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13Jul 2016
Family Camping Trip
What: We are having a family camping trip this summer! All families are invited to join us in the great outdoors. There will be swimming available, games for the whole family, water sports (extra fee), evening worship service and great fellowship with our Grace family!
When: Friday, August 12 - Sunday, August 14
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08Jul 2016
Bible Study “Run (the race of faith) Resolutely” Week of July 10-16
Week 6: July 10-16, 2016
Read: Acts 18:1-23 (Mission in Corinth)
The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent (Acts 18:9b). What a powerful confidence and directional boost. When we are clear about our direction in life whether personally or as a church, it narrows...
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01Jul 2016
Bible Study “Run (the race of faith) Resolutely Week of July 3 – 9
Week 5: July 3-9, 2016
Read: Acts 17:22-31 (Mission in the Athens)
“`In him (God) we live and move and have our being,’” (Acts 17:28). While the source of this quote spoken by Paul is unknown, it is the summary of our basic understanding of God. Our whole life is a gift from God. Offer thanks...
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24Jun 2016
Bible Study “Run (the race of faith) Resolutely Week of June 26-July 2
Week 4: June 26-July 2, 2016
Read: Acts 17:1-15 (Mission in Thessalonica & Beroea)
These people (Paul and Silas) have been turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6c). What a compliment for the life changing work of these Jesus followers. In an agricultural metaphor, they were plowing the soil of people’s hearts, turning the soil upside down. The stirring of the Holy...
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21Jun 2016
Bible Study “Run (the race of faith) Resolutely” June 19-25
Week 3: June 19-25, 2016
Read: Acts 16:16-34 (Mission while in Prison in Philippi)
When prison sets you free. Garth Brooks sang a song called I’ve Got Friends in Low Place. Prison is one of those low places which is a collection of people from all different ethnic, economic and age groups. People are sent to prison either for...
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14Jun 2016
Healing Service

Tuesday, June 21 there is a Healing Service at 6:30 p.m. All are invited as we pray for the healing of hearts, minds, bodies, souls and relationships. Come and pray. Come and receive prayer with the anointing of oil.
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