Bible Study “On the Verge – Part 2” Week of November 6, 2016

READ: Isaiah 44:24 - 45:7   Why Repent?                                                                           Humility remembers that we are people who were formed from the earth (humus) and will someday return to the earth (Genesis 3:19).  Humility affirms that God is God and not you and me.  God creates and you and I are part of God’s creation.  Our creativity emerges from the Creator. ...
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“On the Verge” (Bible Study October 16, 2016)

Week Six        October 16, 2016 READ: Isaiah 43:18-25 Why Serve? Followers of Jesus and frankly many other simply secular people serve others because we care about other people.  One sign of the movement to maturity is our growth in caring for other people who are not our family.  Serving allows us to pass on what we have or...
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