27Oct 2017
20Oct 2017
Bible Study for the week October 22
The end, the beginning Part 5
Week 2. READ: Mark 12:38-44
As we enter into the story for today, Jesus continued his teaching in the temple. In the opening story Jesus rips the experts in Jewish law for their desire for honor and privilege. He paints the scribes as show offs with no heart or spirit. Not...
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20Oct 2017
Bible Study for the Week of October 15
The end, the beginning Part 5
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Week 1. READ: Mark 12:28-34
If the Gospel of Mark were a play in a theater, it would be a traditional three act play. The first act would be a brief introduction of the main character namely Jesus Christ (1:1-13). As quickly as the curtain came up it went down...
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25Sep 2017
Bible Study “The end, the beginning” Part 4 (Week of September 25)
Week 7. READ: Mark 10:17-31
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The ancient question that remains relevant to many people today asks: if there is such a reality as life after death or eternal life, how can I obtain it? Someone recently expressed this sentiment about a very successful and rich school classmate who died: His parents never went to...
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11Sep 2017
Bible Study The end, the beginning Part 4 (Week of September 11)
Week 6. READ: Mark 10:1-16
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The ethics of discipleship is explored in part in Mark 10:1-31. This section has the makings of a teaching manual or catechism. The topics in these verses include discipleship in marriage (vv. 2-10), discipleship and children (vv. 13-16) and discipleship wealth and possessions (vv. 17-31, the week 7 study).
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05Sep 2017
Bible Study “The beginning, the end” Part 4 (Week of September 3)
Week 5. READ: Mark 9:38-50
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What do we do when someone else is doing the very same thing we are doing? In the secular world this is referred to as competition. The church has thought at times that one local church competes for worshipers or members with other area churches. Jesus is not in...
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24Aug 2017
August 2017 Newsletter
Check out up coming events in September. Get Connected!
F August 2017 Newsletter - Copy...
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18Aug 2017
Bible Study “The beginning, the end” Part 4 (Week of August 20)
Week 4. READ: Mark 9:30-37
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The disciples of Jesus argued about who was the “greatest.” Mohammad Ali famously said: “I am the greatest.” John Lenin of the Beatles said on March 4, 1966: Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're...
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14Aug 2017
Bible Study “The end, the beginning” Part 4 (For the week of August 13)
Week 3. READ: Mark 9:14-29
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Upon closer review, there is a lot of stuff to unpack in this story. Let’s get at it. When Jesus, Peter, James and John returned from their not-so-routine trip to the mountain, they found the other nine disciples embroiled in a conflict with some religious leaders. A crowd had...
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10Aug 2017
Bible Study “The end, the beginning” Part 4 (week of August 6)
Week 2. READ: Mark 9:2-13
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As we move to a new scene in the Jesus narrative, there is an abrupt shift of pace. The introduction to this story adds a new twist saying it is six days later. Bible scholars offer a variety of opinions on the origin of this story most of which include...
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