We would like to send out care packages to those in our congregation that are attending college. If you have a student who is away, please fill out a form we will have at the hospitality desk and return to the office as soon as you can please. If you have any questions please see...
Week 1: READ: Mark 1:1-13Show Time
The curtain goes up. The house lights drop to a dim. The orchestra stops playing. The audience quiets to a hush. The narrator announces: The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1). The gospel purpose is clear and straightforward: this is the story...
The End & Back Again: to the beginning
Journeying with Jesus in Mark’s Gospel
Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to understand the ending, Dr. Teddy Alman, from the hit TV series: Grey’s Anatomy.Introduction
The road of life offers plenty of surprises along the way of this adventure. We find ourselves living in what some...
Week Eleven November 20, 2016
READ: Isaiah 49:7-16a
Why Pursue Justice and Peace?
Jesus challenged the powerful and lifted up the lowly. He did not come to establish a new system of power and control. In a time when women were clearly under the rule of men, Jesus shook the system by standing up for justice for...
READ: Isaiah 49:1-6
Why Be Baptized and Commune?
Baptism is the activity of God to receive a person into God’s family, the church, by the washing of new birth as commanded by Scripture (Titus 3:5). This regenerative work is tied to the action of Jesus through his death and resurrection. While the amount of water used...
READ: Isaiah 44:24 - 45:7
Why Repent?
Humility remembers that we are people who were formed from the earth (humus) and will someday return to the earth (Genesis 3:19). Humility affirms that God is God and not you and me. God creates and you and I are part of God’s creation. Our creativity emerges from the Creator. ...
Week Seven October 23, 2016
READ: Isaiah 44:6-8, 21-22
Why be Generous?
Why give and give generously? On the one hand, to give generously comes from an attitude of gratitude for the fact that we ourselves have received generosity in our life. I have been the recipient of the abundant generosity of others, family, friends, and some people...